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Wednesday 15 April 2015

SCNC Press Release: Buea Macabre Arrest

Nfor N. Nfor
It was indeed a treacherous act of desperate overzealous agents anxious to please their Yaoundé masters. In less than thirty minutes of my entering Pa Andrew Kang’s house at Molyko, Buea, on April 2, 2015, the privacy of his residence was brutally and arbitrarily invaded by combined forces armed to the teeth. Led by the Proconsul for Buea, Monsieur Kouam Wokam Paul and some notorious Police Commissioners prominently Anagho Richard and Yogo Nje Joseph in civilian attire, the more than twenty five armed troops with fingers on the trigger looked vicious as if they were invading a Boko Haram hideout in Kolofata, north Cameroun to release kidnapped Madam Ahmadou Ali, wife of Vice Prime Minister and other victims of the Islamist fundamentalist.
But here were law-abiding and peace loving citizens of British Southern Cameroons who had come individually to greet an elder friend Pa Andrew Kang, who had not been in good health.
With guns in place of a warrant of arrest, they were not ready to listen to any logical explanation. They denied us even the right to eat the food Mrs. Kang set on the table for us. Commissioner Richard Anagho, in the spirit of an overzealous slave anxious to please the master, led those in the room to seize plates from our hands while those outside had their fingers on the trigger. We were all at gun point led to the six vehicles outside and driven off to the National Security Headquarters, Buea.
The victims of this arbitrary arrest were;
1. Pa Andrew Kang, the host
2. Simon FuhNgwa
3. Endoh Lord John Abanda
4. Offon Kube Peter
5. Ndung Emmanuel Ndze
6. Febsar Eric Buinda
7. Nfor Ngala Nfor
1. As a territory under colonial occupation, the traitors serving the Yaoundé regime have recruited informants who like Judas Iscariot betray those fighting for the freedom of British Southern Cameroons. These informants do the dirty job for those occupying sinecure posts.
These traitors seriously fan the so-called NW/SW divide. In their diabolic ambition every effort is made to discourage people from the Southern Zone never to get involved with the SCNC. And the Northern Zone is presented as a rebellious region. But the devil-inspired plunder of our wealth and dehumanisation of our people knows no boundary.
2. That the arrest was the handiwork of an informant is attested to by the inclusion of the name of Njousi Abang who I never saw him until I read about the report of his arrest with me in a newspaper on Monday April 6, 2015. This informant programmed his report for the paper before the act. We are living witnesses to similar programmed reports in the past. But they never change the truth.
3. At the Delegation of National Security, the inquisitors were most interested in knowing your place of origin and not where you live. To their satisfaction they saw that the seven of us were all from different administrative units of the North West. This is exactly what took place in 2011 and 2012 in Buea during the commemoration of our confiscated independence when some identified people from South West were sent away and advised to have nothing to do “with those people.” Some of the agents were embarrassed with reactions from activists.
Our Lawyer, Bar. Ajong Stanislaus arrived after the inquisition and was not allowed to see us. In the absence of our Lawyer, each pledged to answer questions or make statements only in the presence of our Lawyers.
Seven of us were bundled into the Police cell measuring some three metres square to meet a dozen other inmates. Our toilet was a bucket well positioned at a corner to your right as you are shoveled into the airtight cell. Except for the iron door that has some openings to allow light into the room and through which you can talk to whomever is on the other side of this dungeon, the cell is windowless. We spent the night as usual on the bare flo0r, not even on a mattress.
Good Friday like Christ who had committed no sin was led to be condemned by Pilate; we were led to the State Counsel and from there to Prison detention awaiting trial. Though a public holiday, those at the State Counsel had to work. In Buea Prison we were welcomed with usual arrogant hostility typical of deep seated hatred. We met Maxwell Oben, who has already spent more than a year but is still incarcerated.
On Monday 6th April, like hardened criminals, we were led in chains to the State Counsel. Four of our Lawyers led by Bar. Ajong and Mola Njoh met us. After more than five hours waiting still in chains, the State Counsel, Lebong Morfaw Maureen epse CHIBILI ordered for the removal of the chains and we were ushered into her office, who, after listening to what happened cautioned us and released us. No charge!
But in sending us to Prison Detention we were charged for “Mouvement sécessionniste et incitation a la rébellion.” Thus reads our charge on the NOTIFICATION OF RELEASE No 182/NR/CPB/SAF/BAAG/RO/2015 issued to us on April 6, 2015. Here British Southern Cameroonians arrested for an alleged crime in their territory are charged in a foreign language, French, the language of their coloniser, for a possible trial in their Buea Common Law Court that has been Frenchified and under the heavy thumb of authorities of Civil Law jurisdiction.
The Yaoundé regime is using all tactics and strategies to kill the struggle for freedom and justice for our people. The regime is panic-stricken and that is why it has put the NW/SW Divide on the fast tract, getting the sweet-toothed and spineless of each zone to betray the patriots. But is there a traitor in the history of man who ever won against his people? Those basking in the corridors of Yaoundé power and the belleticians and those living on conscience money should read the hand writing on the wall and change before it is too late.This timely patriotic advice goes to all who still look up to Yaoundé. We belong apart!
The regime they serve is decaying and sinking. As its sun is setting in ignominy, the glorious sun of the New British Southern Cameroons is rising.
The brutal attack on the Common Law and our educational system is concrete evidence to the effect that Yaoundé will live no stone unturned to keep its colony that gives it milk and honey. This should awaken every patriotic British Southern Cameroonian to see reason in the SCNC struggle for the restoration of the statehood of British Southern Cameroons.
Persistent and systematic arbitrary arrests, torture and detention in life-threatening conditions of SCNC Leaders are a clear instrument of silent genocide institutionalised by the regime to forestall national emancipation and restoration of British Southern Cameroons statehood. To overcome these imperial acts of desperation I call for positive action and solidarity from all patriots for the final push. This is the solution that will end occupation, annexation, assimilation, spoliation, economic plunder and all attendant consequences we see and live each day.
Imperialism, annexation, and assimilation are crimes against human dignity and equality and have failed everywhere. Such evil must not thrive and persist here.
British Southern Cameroons will be FREE! The inherent right to self-determination of the oppressed is an unstoppable phenomenon in human history.
Done in Buea this 7th day of April, 2015.
For the SCNC and people of British Southern Cameroons.
National Chairman (SCNC)

Diplomatic Missions in Yaoundé,
UNPO, The Hague
All human rights organisations

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