Tobby Vision Students |
Going to learn
Computer Software at Tobby Vision Computers was because of over appraisal of
this place by my friends who have been there and experienced what maybe they
were also sceptical of. I say so because when I proposed the idea of going in
for Computer Studies, my parents’ first question was “which place have you
chosen or seen that is suitable?”, I was extremely happy when they asked me the
question because by then I had three places in mind with Tobby Vision Computers
not inclusive, but fortunately for me, I met with a friend and we were conversing.
I told him my programme, luckily he told me of Tobby Vision Computers and
showed me a book on Computer Science written by the Chief Executive Officer
(Coni T. Tawong) and I was convinced to go in for Computer Studies only there
because writing and publishing a book is enough evidence for experience and
mastery in full thus a good and curtained knowledge can be achieved from such
tutors. Moreso, just a cousin of mine who attended classes at Tobby Vision
Computers and knew more about the place adviced me to go there if I am
interested in computing or Computer Studies.
I also knew of
Tobby Vision Computers from some newspapers as they carry the address of the
school as advertisements. Thus I fully made up my mind going for classes only
at Tobby Vision Computers.
After two weeks
of being at Tobby Vision Computers, I concluded that my friends were not
flattering me or giving me false information because what I saw and also
experienced was above what they told me but of which I was still starting.
At Tobby Vision
Computers you are being educated on how to use a computer, copy machine,
printers. Also, you associate with new friends who do help you in one way or
the other especially through the adoption of “Group Teaching” which to me is
the best strategy for his students to besk know what they are out for. There,
everybody must understand and practically do what he/she should do at the end
of every lesson. Since those who best understand some topics do teach others
that are limited on it in one way or the other.
Leaving Tobby
Vision Computers due to expired time or dateline depending on the period or
length of time I chose to be there, will do me much good because I will go in
for jobs in some documentations, or organizing some classes for children or
pupils of classes six and below because the knowledge he has impacted in me
already proves me as being able to do such jobs. Nevertheless, even if not
opportune to have or do any of the above jobs, I will still be proud of myself
because with the skills I have got from Tobby Vision Computers, I can work on
the internet freely and maturely since I had been taught of thus I still remain
somehow upgraded in the society with these skills acquired at Tobby Vision
Computers since the world today is digital or modern.
As we know
Jesus’ disciples were out to teach and straighten peoples’ crooked life styles
from sining to attaining true life and salvation, so too, I as Tobby Vision
Computers’ disciple will make sure I inform or notify brethren or anybody I see
is after Computer Knowledge to go to Tobby Vision Computers since I have seen
and experienced that it is the way towards truth, reliable and curtained
knowledge which helps us transact businesses in today’s society especially as
it is gradually evolving from analog to digital.
Angong Christian
(Tobby Vision Computers student)
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