The Vice Chancellor of The University of Bamenda hereby announces
the requirements for the candidates seeking admission into the Higher
Institute of Transport and Logistics Bambili of The University of
Bamenda through the 2014/2015 competitive entrance examinations to
keenly follow the REGISTRATION PROCEDURE AND REQUIREMENTS outlined below.
(1) The examination shall be organized in one
sitting to Cameroonians of both sexes, holders of GCE A/L or
Baccalaureate or any equivalent diploma recognized by the Minister of
Higher Education in addition to at least 5 O/L papers including English
Language and Maths or Economics and excluding Religion knowledge.
(2) The table above shows the required diplomas or certificates a candidate must have to be qualified to register for the common entrance in a given Department.
An application file shall comprise the following documents:
Download The Application Form on the Link Below
Publication date: 28/10/2014
Download pdf File: Application_form_for_HITL_entrance.pdf
Maritime Transport
Land Transport
Transit and Logistics
with a pass in English and Maths or Economics and, any other 3
subjects excluding Religious Knowledge OR Probatoire C,D,E, G2 and
industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics or Economics. - Minimum 2 GCE A/L papers including Maths or Economics and any other paper excluding Religious Knowledge OR BAC C, D,E,G2 and industrial series with a pass in Maths or Economics |
- Minimum 5 GCE O/L
with a pass in English and Maths or Economics and, any other 3
subjects excluding Religious Knowledge OR Probatoire C,D,E, G2 and
industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics or Economics. - Minimum 2 GCE A/L papers including Maths or Economics and any other paper excluding Religious Knowledge OR BAC C,D,E,G2 and industrial series with a pass in Maths or Economics |
- Minimum 5 GCE O/L
with a pass in English and Maths or Economics and, any other 3
subjects excluding Religious Knowledge OR Probatoire C,D,E, G2 and
industrial series with a pass in English and Mathematics or Economics. - Minimum 2 GCE A/L papers including Maths or Economics and any other paper excluding Religious Knowledge OR BAC C,D,E,G2 and industrial series with a pass in Maths or Economics |
(2) The table above shows the required diplomas or certificates a candidate must have to be qualified to register for the common entrance in a given Department.
An application file shall comprise the following documents:
- A registration form to be collected from the Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HITL), Bambili or MINESUP Yaounde;
- A certified photocopy of the birth certificate dated not more than six (6) months;
- A certified photocopy of GCE O/L or Probatoire dated not more than six (06) months;
- A certified photocopy of GCE A/L or Baccalaureate or equivalent diploma dated not more than six (6) months;
- Certified photocopies of transcripts of GCE O/L and GCE A/L or Probatoire and Baccalaureate;
- A medical certificate which is less than three (03) months issued by a Doctor of the Public Service;
- A receipt upon payment of twenty thousand (20,000) FCFA as non-refundable registration fees delivered by NFC BANK S.A following the bank code
- One self-addressed large envelope bearing stamps in conformity with the regulations in force;
- Four passport size photographs.
Download The Application Form on the Link Below
Publication date: 28/10/2014
Download pdf File: Application_form_for_HITL_entrance.pdf

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