Born on the 13th February 1933 at Mvomeka'a (Meyomessala) of
the late Etienne Mvondo Assam and Mrs MVONDO (born Anastasie Eyenga Elle).
1. - Education
1948: First School
Leaving Certificat (CEPE) (Nden);
1948/1950: St. Tharcissius Pre-seminary, Edea;
1950/1954: Akono Minor Seminary;
June 1953: BEPC
1954/1956: Lycee General Leclerc
June 1955: Baccalaureat lere partie
June 1956: Baccalaureat 2e partie Lycee Louis le
Grand (Paris).
University education
Degree in Public Law, Diploma of the Institut d'Etudes
Politioues, Diploma from the Institut des Hautes Etudes d'Outre-Mer.
Diplôme d'Etudes Superieurs in Public law.
2. - Professional
• Charge de mission (assistant) in the Presidency of the
Republic: October 1962;
• Director of Cabinet, Ministry of National education:
January 1964;
• Permanent Secretary, Ministry of National Education, July
• Director of Civil Cabinet (Chief of Staff), Presidency of
the Republic, December 1967;
• Secretary General and Director of Civil Cabinet: January
• Minister of State, Secretary General in the Presidency of
the Republic June 1970;
• Prime Minister; 30th June 1975;
• As Constitutional successor, he becomes President of the
Republic after the resignation of Ahmadou Ahidjo on the 6th November 1982; this
according to the constitutional amendment instituted by law n° 79/02 of 29th
June 1979. On taking the oath of office, he undertook to democratise political
life, to bring about social and economic liberalisation, to introduce rigour
in management and moralise attitudes, and to reinforce international
• Elected President of the Cameroon National Union (CNU): 14
September 1983.
• Elected President of the Republic on 14th January 1984,
reelected on the 24th April, 1988, llth October 1992 (First election with
direct universal suffrage with many candidates) : 12th October 1997 and llth
October 2004.
• Elected President of the CPDM, Cameroon Peoples Democratic
Party after the CNU was transformed to the CPDM; 24th March 1985 in Bamenda.
• When on the 19th December 1990, Mr Paul BIYA promulgated
the law on associations and Political parties. He was in effect restoring
multiparty politics in Cameroon (since September 1966, when Cameroon was under
the one party system). As of today, over two hundred parties have been
legalised. The CPDM obtained an absolute majority during the March 1997
legislative elections and its candidate won the Presidential election of
October, 1997.
The President however chose to form a government that
included other political parties. Three parties are represented in government;
the CPDM, the NUDP and the UPC. 5 parties are present in the National Assembly:
His Excellency Paul Biya married Mrs Chantal BIYA on 23rd
April, 1994.
He is a father of three children: FRANK Biya, Paul BIYA
Junior and Anastasia Brenda BIYA EYENGA.
3.- Honorary
Mr BIYA is a holder of many decorations and honorary
• Grand Master of the National Orders (Republic of
• Grand-Croix of the Legion of Honour (Republic of France);
• Great Commander of the Medal of St-George (United Kingdom
and North Irland);
• Grand-Croix de classe exceptionnelle (Federal Republic of
• Grand Collier de I'Ordre du Ouissam Mohammadi (Kingdon of
• Great Commander of the Order of Niger (Federal Republic of
• Grand-Croix de I'Ordre National du Mérite (Republic of
• Commander of the National Ordre (Republic of Tunisia);
• Doctoris Honoris Causa (University of Maryland, USA);
• Professor emeritus (University of Beijing, Republic of
4. - Publications
Mr BIYA is the author of a political essay entitled
"Communal Liberalism".
This work has been translated into English, German and
In it the Head of State announces the advent of multiparty
politics (which became effective in 1990) after the temporary period of the one
party State. He explains his choice for economic liberalism and private
initiative while at the same time advocating national solidarity, equitable
distribution of the benefits of economic growth, social justice, the
development based on inventiveness and peaceful co-existence of various
cultures and peoples who make up the nation.
Finally, he reaffirms the need for modernisation of the
State and the desire to maintain close cooperation ties with other countries of
the world.
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