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Saturday, 24 January 2015

What About This Issue Of Homosexuality?

Nformi Emmanuel
The more I experience, read or interact on this issue the more I develop a running stomach. The boils are exacerbated by what seems to be an unjust western approach. You could say anything against Christianity, Jesus or Islam or Mohammed, and it will be considered "free speech", but speaking against homosexuality is considered "hate speech".
While homosexuality existed in Africa, while I read details of it, no one cared because it was just none of the main problems of Africa, or rather that it was not a threat to societal unity and proper functioning. Especially when the nuclear family was not endangered. I only realized that it was real by 2006.While the local and civic laws were coded, they were not being applied because such a crime made no sense to anyone, and rather, its occurrence was fairly zero or in-existent. In the locales, it was simply considered an immoral thing even if it could occur; and how stupid could one prove themselves to get involved in such an act? Even as religions taught that it is forbidden, no clergy laid emphasis, and no one cared to ask further questions because it was considered an irrelevant topic; as it was unthinkable of some sane individuals indulging.
When the "west" started promoting and preaching for a freedom of its practice publicly and blatantly against societal norms and sovereign countries' civic laws, African governments found the need to counter such a move they perceived would render society disarrayed and non-functional. They then began to revisit the fallowed laws and restate more stringent lines. They advised their judiciaries to apply the laws which before now were a decoration. In response, the west threatened to cut aid to any country that re-enforced existing LGBT laws. Also the illicitly promoted and financed activists in their numbers to educate the masses on the forbidden fruit. So nationals shamelessly preached same sex relations; after all it was another source of income. Again we learnt a lesson that certain cultures are imposed on us due to our poverty condition. We have become like hungry dogs, commanded to jump three times in order to be rewarded with a piece of bone.
Homosexuals are now bundled in "I was made this way". I just understand that we were born with certain natures: some without eyes, legs, etc, but we must also recognize that those are abnormalities. If few people were born without eyes, can we promote blindness to the point that some gouge out their eyes? Ok, it is a feeling. Yet I have also come to learn clearly that such feelings are learnt in the culture in which one is born. That explains why there are numerous homosexuals in the West than in the East. It starts by a person isolating themselves (in individualized cultures), they then try some masturbation by themselves. When they find cliques who are comfortable with it, they develop a homosexual relationship. Then they shut their feelings for opposite sex by committing to each other; so they say, "I don't have feelings for a girl or boy" and "I was made this way". The more you practice a thing, the more expertise you become, and the more your brain is wired to respond accordingly.
Many of the homosexuals I have met were self-designed. So far it is presently difficult to distinguish between fakes and genuine. We grow up with various desires, even to steal, but we train ourselves according to societal norms never to execute some of our bad drives. We shape our behaviors according to what is appropriate and acceptable in the society and what is necessary for life. So in the west, the drive to practice homosexual drives is enforced and accepted, but in the east, it is not an acceptable norm.
The task now is for the west to respect other people's cultures while others respect western culture. Rather the West sees LGBT issues as human rights, but again with a bias, does not see polygamy as human right.
My take is this: I respect all LGBTs everywhere I find them. I need to be tolerant but I also respect and obey the laws of sovereign states everywhere. If it’s the law that they should be prosecuted in some cultures, who am I to deny? If they are encouraged in another land by law, who am I to deny too? But I should not impose my beliefs or actions on someone especially in their culture.
Western scientists have worked to no avail to find a DNA link to homosexual behavior. If all research I have accessed, they have failed to make a distinct and acceptable link to a biological make-up to justify homosexuality as different from a learnt behavior.
I would present key findings here but for that the space is limited.
What do you think? Is homosexuality acceptable to you? Why? Please, avoid re-stating religious reasons which we already know rejects homosexuality. What is your experience?
Nformi Emmanuel

Fight against Boko Haram

The most visible and collective relayed initiative that Cameroonian bloggers launched Monday.
Cameroonians are blogging…!
The collectiveness of Cameroonian Bloggers brings unwavering support to the soldiers of our army at the front in the Far - North. #StopBokoHaram.
Yesterday, as every day since the launch of the campaign “Jealous of our Freedom” this 19th January, 2015, the message was visible on the social networking platform Twitter. A tweet (as it is called) taken back by hundreds of users of social media. Like other information shared in this campaign by Cameroonians and other nationalities around the world. A country with one strong gesture was to propose banners to take as Photo by users.
Hashtag (a word-pound) was used for the contextualization of this initiative #StopBokoHaram. Florian Ngimbis, President of the Collectiveness of Cameroonian bloggers explains the choice: “We surfed on the first use made of this hashtag during the demonstration on 18th January  in Paris (against the terrorist sect Boko Haram, Editor's note) and also the fact that is reflected in the two official languages of our country. “
The collectivity of Cameroonian bloggers deploying the lens on the Web, in addition to being alongside Cameroonian soldiers and their allies to raise awareness at the national and international awareness of the seriousness of this daily struggle against terrorism. Where soldiers risk their lives to preserve the integrity of Cameroonian territory and neighboring countries. Also where citizens without distinction, especially not religion, are victims of barbaric acts. This was a highlighting that relies on the spread of strength and power of the Internet to reach the greatest number.
The initiative is thus a broad pipeline of information, where users try to share what is happening in the Far North and other places outside our borders where the sect is rampant. Result, many voices join that of the collectivity of Cameroonian bloggers to say no to Boko Haram:
“We received support from bloggers in Senegal, Ivory Coast, France, the USA ... A personality like Youssouf Ndour was involved and the President of the National Assembly (Guillaume Soro, Editor's note) of Côte d'Ivoire. We will continue in the weeks ahead and will involving famous sportsmen and showbiz stars, not to mention of course the crowd of anonymous people who chant #StopBokoHaram everywhere.

Nomination De Responsables Dans Les Services Deconcentrés Du Ministère Des Travaux Publics/ Appointments In Decentralized Services Ministry Of Public Works

Vu la Constitution;
Vu le décret n° 2008/376 du 12 novembre 2008 portant organisation administrative de la République du Cameroun;
Vu le décret n° 2011 /408 du 09 décembre 2009 portant organisation du Gouvernement;
Vu le décret n° 2011/410 du 09 décembre 2009 portant formation du Gouvernement;
Vu le décret n° 2013/334 du 13 septembre 2013 portant organisation du Ministère des Travaux Publics,
ARTICLE 1er:- Sont, a compter de la date de signature du présent arrête, nommes aux postes ci-après dans les services déconcentres du Ministère des Travaux Publics:
Service Technique:
Chef de Service: Madame NGAH ONDOUA Marie Louise, Cadre Contractuelle d’Administration, précédemment service a la Délégation Départementale de la MEFOU et AFAMBA, en remplacement de Monsieur NDINGUE NJOMBI Albert Clément, appelé a d’autres fonctions.
Service Technique:
Chef de Service : Monsieur MEYONG Yannick Charles, Ingénieur du Génie Civil, précédemment en service au Ministère des Travaux Publics, poste vacant.
Sous-directeur Régional: Monsieur NSEGBE Joseph René, Ingénieur du Génie Civil, pr6cedemment en service au Ministère des I Travaux Publics, en remplacement de Monsieur MEY MAHAMAT KLANDI, décédé.
Service des Enquêtes et Statistiques:
Chef de Service: Monsieur BOUBAOUMAROU, Technicien du Génie Civil, en remplacement de Monsieur HAGBE François Charly, appelé a d’autres fonctions.
Service des Routes Principales:
Chef de Service : Monsieur OUMAROU BOUBA KABOU, Technicien Principal du Génie Civil, précédemment en service a la Délégation Régionale de 1’EXTREME-NORD, en remplacement Monsieur OLINGAO LINGA Vitalis, appelé a d’autres fonctions
Service de Gestion des Ouvrages d’Art:
Chef de Service : Monsieur GAROXJA DOURANDI Joël, Technicien Principal du Génie Civil, précédemment en service a la Délégation Régionale de 1’EXTREME-NORD, en remplacement de
Monsieur BIKAI Joseph Nicolas, appelé a d’autres fonctions.
Service des Routes Principales:
Chef de Service : Monsieur MOTTE Paul Alain, Ingénieur des Travaux du Génie Civil, précédemment en service a la Délégation Départementale de la HAUTE SANAGA, en remplacement de Monsieur MVA’A Louis David, appelé a d’autres fonctions.
Service de Gestion des Ouvrages d’Art:
Chef de Service: Monsieur MBELEN a RIM Francois Xavier, Ingénieur du Génie Civil, précédemment en service au Ministère des Travaux Publics, poste vacant.

Subdivision des Travaux Publics de Touboro:
Chef de Subdivision : Monsieur MENDOGO Dieudonne, Contractuel d’Administration, précédemment en service au Ministère des Travaux Publics, en remplacement de Monsieur ODOU
MBARGA Paul Emile, admis a faire valoir ses droits à la retraite.
Service des Constructions Civiles:
Chef de Service: Monsieur MEBADA DOMO Alain Remy, Cadre Contractuel d’Administration, précédemment en service a la Délégation Régionale du SUD, en remplacement de Monsieur NDZANA SAMBA Christophe, admis a faire valoir ses droits a la
Service des Routes Rurales:
Chef de Service : Monsieur MINKOE Jean Marie, Technicien Principal du Génie Civil, précédemment en service a la Délégation Régionale du SUD, en remplacement de Monsieur ETOUA Franc Jean, appelé a d’autres fonctions.
Service des Travaux d’lnfrastructures Ferroviaire, Portuaire et Aeroportuaire:
Chef de Service: Monsieur OBIANG ALO’O Luc Tortune, Cadre Contractuel d’Administration, précédemment en service à la Délégation Régionale du SUD, en remplacement de Monsieur BILLE OLEM Ruben, admis a faire valoir ses droits a la retraite.
ARTICLE 2: Les intéresses auront droit aux avantages de toute nature prévus par la réglementation en vigueur.
ARTICLE 3 : Le présent arrête sera enregistre, publie suivant la procédure d’urgence, puis inséré au Journal Officiel en français et en anglais


Friday, 23 January 2015

Central African Republic

Efforts Underway to Re–open 247 Schools
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Coalition for Education, the Ministry of Education and other NGOs are stepping up measures to re–open 247 schools in areas seriously affected by the conflict in the country. 30 of the schools are in the capital Bangui, a UN report disclosed last Monday. The report states that more than two million children in the Central African Republic are affected by violence. School buildings were reportedly looted and also used for other purposes, particularly military, the report said. By the end of the last school year, 60 percent of the schools were closed.

Job Opportunity/Offre Offer D’emploi ONYX ALLIED SERVICES CAMEROUN S.A


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14. Camp Labours/Cleaners
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 16. Asst. Seismologist
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                                                                                                                    Le Directeur General
                                                                                                                     Wilfried NKPWALLA
