2020 has brought challenges for organizations like yours and ours. While lots of us continue to work hard for social change, fewer donations are received. As your sincere and long-standing partner organization, we would like to give you a thumb-up and will support you whenever you need us.
Local innovators and entrepreneurs in Bamenda, Cameroon have been hit hard by COVID-19, on top of the political turbulence that has been happening. We have talked to a number of them during the past months and they told us one thing that they all have: fear. They are scared of not being able to feed their family, losing their homes, and catching the virus. The Action Lab for Development (ACTLAB) is helping them get out of this terrible situation,
Our organization, ACTLAB, is running a fundraising campaign from June 8 - 26 to protect entrepreneurs in Bamenda, Cameroon and help them overcome the COVID-19 impacts.
We are asking you, our partner, to kindly cross promote this campaign for us. You can:
Post on your organization’s social media channels about the campaign, to show that your organization care about education for young entrepreneurs;
Talk about this campaign in your upcoming newsletter to your subscribers, to show that you support innovative business ideas by entrepreneurs;
Mention about this campaign on your website OR blog, as you recognize the help that local businesses need amid COVID-19, or
Use any other mean to tell your network about this campaign.
Here is the link to the campaign:
Our goal is to reach $5,000, so that we can get the following equipments for those in need: (1) personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks; (2) soap and hand sanitizer; (3) bucket pipes to facilitate regular hand washing; and (4) the printing of COVID-19 prevention information posters and leaflets for dissemination.
We trust that with your help and the good faith of your followers/subscribers, the $5000 goal will be reached and enterpreneurs in Cameroon will be protected for with the right equipment against COVID-19.
Please e-mail us back if you would like to get involved. If you need us to supply you with the communications content that you can directly copy and paste from, we would be happy to provide those.
Thank you, dear friend. Let’s support each other to get through this uncertain time with love, hope and optimism.
Cornelius Tawong
Action Lab for Development
Connect with us: https://www.facebook.com/actionlabcameroon