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Monday 29 September 2014


Le révérend Mpemchi est un homme blanc de Tika nord de Beleleng et a été ministre vallée missionnaire de la mouture dans Tangbikie. Alors que nous étions à l'école primaire qu'il a utilisé pour tenter de nous séduire avec des cadeaux, mais nous allons fuir. Certains enfants nous ont dit que si nous acceptons ces dons, il nous donne à "nyongo". Comment ces petits enfants savaient que cet homme était occultiste sera expliquée seulement par ceux qui voient les choses. Cet homme lorsque vous voyagez vers Tika pour congé annuel va nous donner des timbres et des enveloppes pour que nous lui communiquons quand il est loin. Il écrira et nous dire parfois que notre président Nkokoma a une belle maison dans leur pays et d'autres choses. BP 6633 Njimuh était leur boîte relais de poste Tangbikie dans Njimuh et il nous a envoyé des lettres soin de nos parents et les lettres ont été lues et partagées dans l'église le dimanche.
APPROFONDIR relation avec un homme SAINT prétentieux
Les parents dans les zones reculées et rurales en particulier ceux ceux dogmatiques et même dans les villes pensent bêtement que quand ils laissent leurs enfants avec les ministres de l'église qu'ils sont entre de bonnes mains. Ce n'est pas vrai. Beaucoup de ces enfants ont été et sont encore de nos jours abus sexuels de la part de ces ministres. Si Dieu vous aide, ou plutôt si vous trouvez la faveur de Dieu, vous apprendrez que la plus grande méchanceté sur la terre vient de gens qui déguisent à être pieux. Je pense que je l'ai déjà mentionné que Jésus a été tué par des prêtres qui ont étudié la loi de Dieu et devrait l'ont connu.
Maintenant, revenons à mon enfance abus sexuels histoire. Il a commencé un jour quand j'étais en Formule 1 et retour de Njimuh à Tangbikie le week-end. Il y avait un grand panneau bord au parc automobile du marché Tangbikie où les véhicules ont été arraisonnés pour Njimuh. Comme je suis arrivé au village ce vendredi après-midi de week-end pour Njimuh, se tenait près de ce signe lire les informations collées ce ministre bord s'est approché de moi et m'a invité à leur mission le lendemain. Quand je suis allé à leur mission le lendemain, il m'a pris dans sa voiture suzuki rouge qui il a coupé le dos et soudé à transporter des bagages. Nous sommes allés à Ndfung se promenait autour du marché, a acheté un certain nombre de choses et a continué à Nfungbaw où il était d'offrir un sac de riz pour une famille. À l'arrivée à Nfungbaw, il n'a même pas demandé les gens à venir porter leur don, mais réalisé lui-même de l'endroit où nous avons fait à leur maison. Gestes de bonne volonté et de la charité ne pouvaient pas faire n'importe avoir tout soupçon. Nous avons visité plusieurs endroits ce jour-là et de revenir il a commencé à envoyer sa main pour toucher mon pénis pendant que vous conduisez. Il peut envoyer et tactile, puis concentrer sur la conduite à nouveau. J'aurais érection, mais pensé que c'était juste un jeu comme je l'ai entendu des histoires similaires de mes amis de son comportement. J'avais aussi entendu des histoires que cet homme a pris des clichés de sorciers et sorcières détruisant les cultures et a montré que le cinéma. En ces jours la télévision était encore nouvelle dans le village et un seul Pa pourqui propriété et ainsi de la ministre organisé cinéma montre dans le hall de la mission et dans des endroits sur Tangbikie
Le sommet de mon sexe ABUS DU CHANOINE

Après notre première très une réunion individuelle formelle, nous avons fait plusieurs visites à des endroits et il à plusieurs reprises dans ces visites touché mon pénis jusqu'à ce que le sommet quand une nuit, il m'a fait sortir et de rentrer tard dans la nuit arrivant en dessous de la mission sous les arbres de cyprès chatouillé mon pénis et aspiré jusqu'à ce que je me suis acquitté de ma première fois de ma vie dans sa bouche.
Lorsque je suis devenu chrétien né de nouveau et participais et écouter les enseignements des autres pasteurs qui croient que j'ai réalisé que cet acte de ce ministre était le vol et la méchanceté. En ces jours, nous aurions au cours de la journée un bon de villes de passage de temps. Nous aimerions revenir à la mission tard dans la nuit avec des gadgets pour le cinéma et entrez par la porte en dessous de leur maison. Il était et est toujours un champ et en dessous de leur maison où reprises parfois importants aura lieu. Avant de nous rejoindre dans la salle au milieu des cyprès, des deux côtés de la route en dessous de leur maison Mpemchi arrêté la voiture, chatouillé mon pénis, enlevé et il a dit "nous bifurquons". Tout d'un coup, j'ai découvert qu'il suçait mon pénis après quoi il s'est arrêté et conduit alors me déposer à la maison. L'erreur, c'est que je n'ai pas signalé cet acte à mes parents, mais a dit que mes amis qui avaient même abus. Je n'ai pas signalé cette action du ministre à mes parents. Ce qui me se demande aujourd'hui est de savoir si cet homme nous a manipulés mystiquement de ne pas parler à nos parents parce qu'aucun de nous a signalé cet acte douteux.
Il a probablement utilisé ses pouvoirs occultes de nous influencer de ne pas signaler que l'un de nos camarades âge fois nous a avertis de se rendre à lui. Les jeunes filles ont également raconté des histoires dans lesquelles Mpemchi aspiré leur clitoris.
Je n'ai jamais entendu parler au cours de ces années tout rapport des enfants de cette loi de la ministre à son / ses parents. Je ne savais pas que c'était une très mauvaise chose que je n'avais pas l'éducation sexuelle à la maison.
Dans le cadre de la relation avec Mpemchi j'ai assisté à une attitude mystique de son lorsque sa panne de voiture au village NDAA quand nous allions dans un autre village appelé Hup de faire un service. Il a fait quelques incantations disant ce sorcellerie a joué à un composé et, enfin, le moteur de la voiture qui s'est arrêtée commencé et nous avons continué. Il y avait aussi une route de Tangbikie à Hup et Nbasin et les ponts qu'il a construits, les flux seront toujours quittent leurs cours pour faire les ponts inutile. Il viendra parfois arrêter, est entré dans le flux attraper certaines choses envoyés dans la bouteille et la serrure. Ce n'était pas normal, mais avec la confiance qu'il était un homme de Dieu, nous avons pris normal. Les personnes âgées dans le village le haïssaient et ses amis étaient seulement nous les jeunes enfants. Nous avons pensé alors que ces gens le haïssaient parce qu'il pouvait voir et prendre des clichés de leurs pratiques de sorcellerie ne sachant pas qu'ils le haïssaient à cause de son occultisme et les esprits méchants.
Pour plus d'infos et de conseils, veuillez contacter:


The Mbums are a sub group of Tikar. The Mbum of the Adamawa Region were the leaders of the Tikar migration out of Bornu. The migrations continued and ended with the Tikar groups settling in the place they called Ndobo, Rifum or Kimi. This place is near to present day Tibati and Banyo. The last migration of the Tikar took place in the seventeenth century. They moved from Tikar (Kimi, Ndobo or Rifum) to their present locations. Today some of the Cameroon groups which claim Tikar origin are Bamoun, Baba, Bambili, Bamesing, Bamessi, Bamali, Bamuka(Ndop), Bangolan, Nkwen, Bafut, Nso, Mbum and Yamba. These groups have so many things in common. The first thing that the Tikar have in common is that their languages are more closely related to each other than to languages outside the Tikar group. However, there are differences because the languages separated a long time ago even before their last migration. The Mbum speak Limbum.
            The second similarity that Tikar groups have is that their political traditions and customs have a common pattern. They all have kings or chiefs. The Tikar see their kings as semi–gods. They refer to their kings as, Sun, Noble Leopard, Great Buffalo, Tiger, Lion and Mighty Elephant. The third thing that the Tikar’s have in common is that their system of administration is uniform. The system starts from the top with the king (Nkfu–Fon or Nfor). Below the Fon there is the council of state (Bkibai Ntufu, Samba etc) made up of the six, seven, etc Great Lords of the chiefdom. The village/quarter heads (Btarmllah) are below the Bkibai. The Tikar also have the similarity of the throne on which the king sits. The throne (kabaraab) which is fashioned out of tree trunk and or metals is considered very sacred by the Tikars. Only the king may sit on it.
            Finally the Tikar political system also has societies which take care of law, order and defence. The Nwarong and Ngiri are societies responsible for law and order. Defence is in the hands of the Mfu under the leadership of Nformi, which is the military arm of the administration.


            In view of the importance attached to marriage, parents brought up their children to the age of maturity with this concept in mind. They taught them lessons of self–control, endurance, honesty, faithfulness, respect for elders, and obedience to parental instructions, sense of cooperation, etc. Besides verbal instructions given to their children on these virtues, their own life–style was a shining example. Children on their part responded with strict obedience and respect to parental instruction, education and guidance. Young men prepared themselves for marriage by building their own houses, no matter how small they were, because you could not get married, still living with your parents. Their own houses too, were small (usually only one or two rooms) girls remained faithful, hardworking, courteous, involved in child care, farming and cooking activities, etc.
            When the time for the choice of a life partner came, parental guidance and approval had to be sought. Parents were very concerned about the families to which their sons and daughters had to be married. They would accept their son or daughter to be engaged to somebody in a family whose members lacked comportment and good behaviour.
            Some times too, a certain parent would voluntarily give his daughter to a young man of another family for marriage either because of his own good behaviour or because of that family’s comportment. The word “Give” here does not in any case imply that marriage formalities and transactions would be omitted. It simply meant that love and good will had been demonstrated between the two families through this act. Marriage transactions on the man’s side and the beneficiaries on the woman’s side were the concern of every member of those two families (not even limited only to the nuclear family but to the extended family at large.)
            This was a great controlling factor to the partners from the time of their engagement up to their married life as any misbehaviour by any of them would invite the intervention and sanction of the entire family (families).


Any ethnic group which only seeks to preserve without asserting its cultural values and practices risks loosing its cultural identity altogether. Here, I will be talking about the gradual and steady prostitution of our traditional gowns and caps. Change is part of human life and in fashion too, we live its evolution through the years. Change can be intolerant e.g. with the wearing of mini–skirts, while a British Minister could admire his female secretary’s legs, (each time she streamed into the office), many people were against the attire. Good enough, magistrate Savge in Victoria (today Limbe) once ordered the arrest of women shabbily dressed, with their thighs exposed. I congratulate him for that. In the North West Region of Cameroon, the wearing of traditional gowns and caps, follow specific patterns as prescribed by specific traditions. The colour and design of each traditional regalia help to identify the position held by each person who uses any of them. The designs vary the traditions of ethnic groups. The “Nfuh” society in Nso and Mbum, the Kwifor society in Ngemba have their types. The black small fibre caps “Lantong” which are highly respected in the West Region too and which the Littoral traditional rulers are adapting with ease are the free–for–all type. Until recently, special traditional regalia were never sold in the common market. They were acquired on special orders and circulated strictly within the traditional society. Today the untameable quest for money has prostituted our tradition. The caps and gowns are sold and used anyhow. This common use can no longer easily identify a traditional ruler on sight in any part of the Region as was the case with Foncha who distinguished himself (as a Bamenda chief at the UN) in a well embroidered traditional gown, a specially designed cap and a walking stick. The hair saloons do a marvellous job to our girls and women, giving a finishing touch to the crown the Almighty gave them. I love their hair–do–styles which change almost daily. It is evolution. But imagine a beautiful girl or woman dressed in a “Wifa’s” gown and a “Nformi’s” red–feathered-cap. It’s intolerable. During the Pope’s visit to Cameroon, our women dressed in heavy traditional attire dancing as if they were going to a “Nfuh” house. Even in the North West, you find young girls parading in front of traditional rulers in traditional regalia. How protected is our culture! What I mean here is that these women have come too near into the men’s “eighteen.” I hate to wear the Scottish skirt or the Kaba Ngondo. Men tolerate their wearing of trousers, shirts, cowboy’s hat, Hausa gowns and Senegalese suits. I wish to warn here that they have gone to far. As soon as women start wearing the two aprons that go with the traditional gown and cap, we shall explode. Fortunately, animal horns are too heavy for them to carry. We must start addressing this issue seriously in order to preserve our rich and time–tested tradition. So women, leave the wearing of traditional gowns and caps to the men. Do not help to degenerate a tradition which identifies itself with our very being.

Saturday 27 September 2014

GCE Fraud Allegations

Cameroon Journal, September 16, Yaounde -Besides growing denunciations of Humphrey Monono for withholding to this day, payment to teachers who corrected the GCE examination in July because they accepted a banquet offered by SDF chairman, John Fru Ndi, the GCE board chair is at the centre of another incident – one that may actually take his head. This one is related to examination fraud and mal practice.
The Cameroon Journal was informed by a source that opted for anonymity how Humphrey got entangled in this case. Narrating the story, our source said, one Florence Forchu was appointed chief invigilator of the 2013 /2014 GCE examination in a Yaoundé centre. Forchu, who is current Vice Principal of Government Bilingual High School Etoug-Egbe, Yaoundé, was superintendent of the GCE Centre where students of renowned La Gaite College sat for the examination.
During the exam exercise, some students of the college got to the centre about 1hour, 30 minutes late for Mathematics Paper III. In her capacity as Centre Superintendent, our source said, Forchu called the liaison officer for the GCE Board and spoke with an official whose name we got only as Lekundze, to inquire whether or not the students should be allowed to join the rest who were already taking the exam for over one hour, given that the regulations stipulate that students shall not be let into the examination hall, 30 minutes after start time for any subject.
La Gaite College, owned and run by the family of former Communication Minister, Augustine Kontchou Komeni, is the lone school in Central Africa that offers international baccalaureate in English. School fee for an academic year is about 2million FCFA. It is among the most expensive schools in Cameroon, with nursery, primary and secondary schools integrated. It is compared only to few other schools including the American school where school fee is about 800.000FCFA for an academic year.
According to our source, Forchu got the consent of Lekunze to send the students away. When Humphrey Monono the Registrar, learned about the incident, he allegedly grilled Forchu who justified her action on the grounds that her direct boss, the GCE liaison officer – Lekunze, was aware of the situation. Humphrey allegedly told the lady that she wasn’t a politician, to which she retorted that politics had nothing to do with the decision she took.
While participating in the marking of the GCE in Bamenda later on, Forchu was suspended by Humphrey. But surprisingly, when the final results came out, the students who did not at all sit for Mathematics, scored passed grades.
How did it come about? Going by our source, Konchou Komeni, Board Chairman of the University of Douala who is also the proprietor of College la Gaite called Monono and negotiated with him to give the students a pass in Mathematics.
“This is a scandal of the first order. You should call her and get the real facts before publishing the story. I will like to know the outcome of the interview with her. Thanks,” our source intimated.
When we got Florence Forchu on phone, she was belligerent that the issue was being brought up. “I am simply a victim in what happened. I don’t want to talk about the issue. It is in the past and I have put it behind me.” She stated angrily; adding that “I am a civil servant and an administrator; I am not giving information about this matter.”
Forchu stated further to the Cameroon Journal that she does not have power to take certain decisions on her own. Quizzed on whether she actually kept the students out of the examination hall and they got passed marks, she said, “those types of instructions only come from above. You journalist have a way of treating information to suite what you want to say. I don’t take decisions on behalf of the GCE board. I am not talking about this issue again, let’s call it a day. Thank you!”
Enter Sir Humphrey Monono
Responding to the allegations of fraud against him, Humphrey Monono, told the Cameroon Journal in an interview, September 14, that it was the students’ fault that they came late to the centre. He revealed that
the 8 students involved were not in possession of their personal time tables. “Teachers are not supposed to keep students’ individual time tables. Maybe the teachers were keeping them to make money out of them. I don’t know, but I learned that the individuals have been sanctioned by the administration of La Gaite.”
Asked why he clampdown on Forchu, Monono said that though she implemented the regulations of the board, there was also another option which she could have exploited.
“Given the gravity of the situation and that the students did not have their time table, they could have been quarantined.” He said they could have been kept away from the other students so that they could write the exams without knowing the questions from those who had already written.
The Monono also stated that he had nothing to do with the fact that students who did not write an examination came out with passed grades. “Getting a pass mark in an exam is not only about sitting for the examination. An examiner can look at a student and give him a mark” Monono stated. He also said that the Ministry of Secondary Education intervened in the matter and that the ministry equally forwarded to him a complaint letter which was written by the parents of the students from the school.
He, however, stated that the students were responsible for their lateness to a degree because they seemed to have kept themselves in their small group when writing mathematics paper I, and avoided mingling with other students who could have informed them about the time the next subject was to be written.
As if suggesting that he was under pressure from secondary education ministry, Monono said the decision was not his to make. “If these students did not sit for the exam and yet, passed, it was not by my influence. There are processes involved in the examination process which I cannot be explaining to you over the phone. But know that the decision was made by a whole council.” He said.
Meanwhile, a Vice Principal of a government secondary school in the NW Region confirmed to the Journal yesterday that they are yet to be paid their bonuses for marking the GCE this year. “Fru Ndi offered us an encouragement banquet; we went there and took part. It was great, with a music band performing live. We went there in groups. I was part of the first group of 1500 markers” the Vice Principal said.
The source said they were taken aback when the chief examiners told us that the registrar was not happy about the banquet and will not pay them for the job they did. The VP told CJ that they are waiting for the next examinations to come up, “that is when we will have our pound of flesh. We are like barbers, we are always needed” the source said.
According to the Vice Principal, it is outrageous that an administrator will bring in politics into something that has nothing to do with politicking. “Have sitting ministers who are big wigs of the CPDM not visited Fru Ndi and wined and dined with him? Are they not still in government? By the way we are not politicians.”
